New white Gi based on 93brand's "C-SPEC" body style with several modifications to the typical BJJ Gi... aimed at improving the traditional kimono design in areas where Jiu Jitsu has evolved but the old school uniform has not. The main materials are 425 GSM Advanced Pearl Weave for the top, and a hybrid Twin Twill cotton weave bottoms.
Here's their run-down on this model:
(bottom of Gi = thicker / not as easy to manipulate lapel guard / brabo choke / etc)
(not as easy for opp. to maintain strong lapel guard)
(reinforce against Spider/DLR/Lasso sleeve grip / Judo grips)
(extended outward to reinforce against outside-pant-grips)
(reinforce against inside-pant-grips)
(less material for lapel guards)